Pest Control Consultancy

+39 0789 57735

Healthcare facilities

+39 0789 57735

When we talk about doctors' offices, nursing homes, gyms or hospitals and clinics, the first thing we at Gallura Disinfestazione think of is cleanliness, health, and disinfection.

At the time of COVID-19, the disinfection and sanitization of hospitals, doctors' surgeries, dental offices, nursing homes and retirement homes are fundamental to guaranteeing safety for the patient, guests and all frontline staff.

Certified disinfection against COVID-19 takes place following particular protocols, described and recommended by the Ministry of Health, as we describe in this blogpost.

Viruses, and also protozoa and bacteria are invisible enemies that can cause serious damage to one’s health. For this reason, whether it is a hospital or a gym, sanitizing environments is very important.

With our disinfection service you can reduce the amount of viruses, bacteria, protozoa within your company and bring the risk of infection to almost zero.

We intervene with sophisticated and guaranteed techniques to minimize environmental impact and provide maximum safety for guests and staff.

Disinfection interventions in healthcare facilities are essential even when the presence of mice or rats is detected. In this case, a complete rat extermination must be done first, before bringing the hygiene level back to an optimal situation. Rats and mice, in fact, are extensive carriers of diseases, as well as causing discomfort and fear at sight and causing damage with their gnawing on any object. They are, however, easily identifiable as it is easy to find the signs of their presence: traces of excrement, gnawed cables, and eaten food are just some of the signs that highlight the presence of mice and rats.

We mainly use two rodent control techniques: the traditional one, with ratticidal baits positioned in special dispensers, and an ecological one, with the use of rodenticide stations that only affect rats and mice through virtual food baits that do not contaminate the environmental food chain. Ekomille are installed, electromechanical equipment for the capture of mice and rats. They work naturally without the use of poisons or harmful substances. Rodents, attracted by natural bait, are instantly captured as soon as they try to eat.

In the event of an infestation with mice and rats, one intervention may not be effective. We need to monitor the situation so that new infestations can be prevented.

This intervention is used both for the public (hospitals, nursing homes, nursing homes) and for the private sector (gyms, clinics, medical offices).

Not only mice and rats infest these places but among the most common pests we can find mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, bed bugs, mites and cockroaches. If you have a problem with these insects, we can find the most congenial method of intervention: we study the case with the collaboration of entomological experts, we deepen it, we choose when to intervene and sanitize professionally.

In fact, pest control is a set of methodologies that aim to eliminate or limit different types of pests and insects.

All species that can represent a danger to hygiene and health will be removed following specific and strict rules.

Among the various treatments we use to disinfect there are: internal and external spraying; ULV treatments that generate "cold mists", which reach places otherwise unreachable (interstices) - perfect for fighting mites, for example; fumigation; gel applications; heat treatments. The latter in particular, is a method that has significant positive aspects: it is ecological and eliminates any type of insect in any vital stage.

Our highly qualified technicians are specialized in the use of low environmental impact techniques that guarantee the health of the environment and people.

To ensure the maximum success of any disinfestation and disinfection intervention, prevention is a good rule of thumb. We therefore plan and establish control and monitoring interventions, to avoid the occurrence of an infestation that would become difficult to manage. In this way, we are able to guarantee maximum hygiene and safety in any healthcare environment, be it hospitals, nursing homes, retirement homes, dental offices and doctors’ offices, or clinics.

If you want to guarantee your guests and your customers maximum safety and disinfection, call us on +39 0789 57 735, send us an email at [email protected] or write us using the contact form. We will be able to advise you on the best solutions to your infestation.

How much it cost?

Areas of intervention

In our shop

Insecticide Decapy Flow - 1 lt

Insecticide Decapy Flow - 1 lt

Concentrated insecticide 1 lt bottles - PMC - Reg. N. 18600

128.1 €

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